Aww, he looks like a sweetie pie.🥰

And yeah, "I made this thing that turned out to be a goddam ugly mess" is a feeling I can totally understand, and you're also right that sometimes, even though the thing you made is indeed looks like a goddamn ugly mess to you, the important thing is that it's a goddamn ugly mess THAT WORKS. 😁

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He is a) a puppy, and b) very eager to do what we want, which means that training will do a lot but also now he's chewing everything. But we knew what we were getting into. Sorta.

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Loved this post, congratulations on working internet and cool drinks, bless you for going solar, and thank you for the puppy pics! I also agree wholeheartedly with your point. (and I've already preordered you book). Thanks for another dose of "Ferrett."

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Amateur artist out here just doing fanart for friends, here. I'd been feeling increasingly bad about my work despite getting a lot of really nice feedback, and I really needed to hear this today. Thanks.

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You always give me a new perspective on things, thank you!

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Okay, that looks WAY tidier than my DIY solar electric system...


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...I honestly can't tell if you're serious or not. :)

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Totally serious, sorry! 😁

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Then seriously, send pictures!

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Why yes, my circuit breakers do hang in mid air...


And yes, that is a (too small) food storage box which holds the 240V relay...

(The best that can be said about it is that it does all actually work, appearances notwithstanding!)

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Oh, that is great. Thank you for sharing, it does make me feel better. :)

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