I vote for _The Sundering Gates_. I loved _The Sol Majestic_.

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For me, I would most enjoy Option 1.

That being said, the end goal is that you make money, and marketing wise, I can understand if you go with Option 2 first, hopefully get some cash from it, and get to Option 1 later.

And, yes, while I will probably purchase both, that was not the question. Option 1 would be the one I am far more excited about.

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Sundering Gates, and it's not close.

Also, I want Daisy to be my new Harry Dresden so I hope you keep writing those too.

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Ferrett, I'm worried that you're already thinking about your series as a not-great start. The "Dragon Kings of Oklahoma" is a wonderful series, and looking at the niche categories, it's been a good solid start. But self publishing is a l-o-o-o-n-g game. Longer -- lots longer --than three months! You've barely started, and you're already handicapping yourself by limiting your audience (sticking to ebooks and Amazon only)! Publish POD paperbacks, at least, and for goodness sake, go WIDE. And don't count yourself out. Just keep building. LONG game, dude. You've barely left the starting gate! Give your series a year of promotion and collecting reviews. It takes people time to read, time to write, time to tell their friends. Keep on publishing. Don't stint on quality. Hang in there. And give your books a chance. It's not the old days, when publishers would yank your title after 5 days on the shelf! This is a game of the "long tail."

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The Sundering Gates, please! I know Gini and all have great taste, I loved Sol Majestic, so yes please! I mailed my copy of Sol Majestic to Bart in France, way back in the day. No idea what happened to it. I like to think some random person picked it up in a second hand shop and discovered your brilliance. Dx

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I also vote for _The Sundering Gates_. As a reader, that kind of immersive experience is something I really enjoy, though I do see how the other is easier to market. But realistically, I'll buy either and enjoy the hell out of both.

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The Sundering Gates please!!

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Sundering gates please. Or both. All of the books please. I find myself loving everything that you've written that I can get my hands on. I finished hippogriffs in less than three hours and am sad that I've already finished it. I would love to join your beta readers if possible.

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I'd like The Sundering Gates please! I want something big and juicy I can sink my teeth into! And, I loved The Sol Majestic!

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While 'Corded' sounds amazing, my vote is for 'The Sundering Gates' - that's absolutely my jam!

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I like option 1, please!

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I'd probably buy both, but am more excited to read option 1 so that gets my vote.

That said, fast-paced smutty popcorn seems like it'd be more lucrative, especially at the $2.99 price point. If I didn't already know and like your writing I'd be hesitant about committing my time to a full-length (plus sized?) self-published novel at the $2.99 price point, could be an additional factor that makes option 1 harder to market. I have no relevant experience or expertise, just a gut feeling.

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Hmm...probably option 1. You're right it likely won't gain traction, but at least you'll be excited to work on it. And the upside potential (the chance of it breaking out and actually doing something for your career) might be higher.

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I vote for The Sundering Gates as well.

Caveat: while I think overall it sounds like it has more staying power, the other book might make more money in the short term.

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